Paulownia trees are generally found to be extremely useful.

  • The valuable wood has very good building properties and is used in numerous areas. But also as an energy supplier, e.g. B. in the form of heating pellets, Paulownia trees can score.
  • Trees are decorative in parks and gardens and provide shade with their large leaves.
  • In the USA they are processed into paper.
  • In China, their protein-rich leaves and flowers are used as animal feed.
  • In addition, an active ingredient is obtained from the leaves, which is used to prevent respiratory diseases.
  • The fruits of the tree are of course also used – in hair care products. Unfortunately, they are not edible.
  • But the tree provides wonderful honey for that...

Honig aus den Blüten des Paulownia-Baumes


  • With their lush flowers, blue bell trees are a real feast for the eyes and bees.

  • The panicle-like flowers give off a light fragrance and their funnel shape makes it easy for insects to access the nectar.

  • The result: a light honey with a taste reminiscent of almonds.

  • Connoisseurs appreciate paulownia honey as a delicacy!


  • Very good insulation thanks to air pockets in the wood (twice as good as oak or beech)
  • Very good sound characteristics (musical instruments)
  • Extraordinary look: light-colored wood with wide growth rings
  • Very smooth surface - easy to work with
  • Weatherproof: does not swell or warp
Paulownia-Holz Struktur 

Bauholz aus dem Paulownia-Baum


  • Very light: only 270 kg/m³ (oak wood 770 kg/m3)
  • Very stable thanks to the honeycomb cell structure
  • Flame retardant: only at 400 °C (oak 260 °C)
  • Resistant to microbial organisms such as algae and fungi
  • High weather resistance
  • No use of pesticides necessary


caravans, airplanes, ships
  • Paulownia is one of the lightest valuable woods and is also known as aluminum among woods. It is very stable and weather resistant.
furniture industry
  • Due to the wide annual rings and the light color, the wood is very well suited for the furniture industry. It is also extremely light.
musical instruments
  • Since the wood absorbs little moisture, it is very well suited for musical instruments.
construction industry
  • Due to the good insulation value, the high calorific value, the low swelling behavior and high dimensional stability, the wood is also suitable for building houses, among other things
Musikinstrumente aus dem Paulownia-Holz
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